Wednesday, March 02, 2005

kale and chorizo soup

This is a good winter staple.


1 largish cured spicy chorizo sausage (or 2-3 small fresh and add cayenne if necessary)
1/2 small onion or 1-2 shallots
tiny splash olive oil
1/3 cup white wine, sherry or lightish beer
1 large potato, grated or diced finely
1 litre chicken stock
1/2 bunch kale, stalks removed, chopped into large pieces

In a medium saucepan, sauté chorizo and onions until onions are translucent & chorizo is starting to render its fat. Add potato & sauté until everything starts to brown. Toss in booze, stir to get stickies off the bottom of the pan. Add chicken stock and simmer 20 minute to 1/2 hour until potatoes are pretty much dissolved, or at least really mushy and starting to thicken the soup. Add kale, cook for 5 minutes or so longer. Adjust seasoning, serve with multigrain bread.


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