Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Three Weeks: Eating Out

Wow three weeks of no dairy!  I'm impressing myself.

This week my dear mama came to visit so there have been some attempts to eat out.  The only real eating-out attempt was successful food-wise, not so much happy, peaceful dining-wise, thanks to my littlest monster who is at exactly the wrong age for eating out, especially in a food court with no high chair in which to contain him.  We got the build-a-salad at Roast (at the Victoria Public Market) and it was GREAT - totally possible to do a good meal that's completely Whole30-compliant.  Since the meal ended rather badly, with the older child following the small one as he careened around and finally bringing him back screaming his head off, we have avoided the restaurant scene.  But my darling mumsy wanted to treat the family to a meal so we got take-out.  I opted for Messob Ethiopian in Cook St. Village and the nice lady there put together an awesome plate of veggies (potato/carrot mix, spinach, and cabbage) and spicy beef and it was amazing - and completely Whole30-compliant. 

I wasn't aware of it until today (when I actually re-read the rules) but the Whole30 allows for industrial vegetable oils when eating out, so you don't have to be a complete PITA when you're at a restaurant.  Some cuisines are better than others, obviously... Asian restaurants are mostly out due to the soy and sugar (you could do sashimi & salad if you smuggled in your own dressing and coconut aminos), fully upscale like Camille's would be totally fine, probably the majority of the stuff on the menu would be okay.  In-between, anything that offers meat and veg is doable.  I wish we'd been able to go to Skinnytato, the Polish restaurant, because it's fantastic and I could get a really, really yummy and Whole30 compliant meal - but the allure of a potato pancake filled with sausage and sauerkraut does not quite cancel out the potential horror of my darling offspring flinging food all over the restaurant and screaming "DOWN!!! DOWN!!! DOWN!!! BOOOOBIES BOOOOBIES!!!!".  It's a small restaurant and nobody needs to have their lunch with that kind of entertainment going on. 

So, anyway, things are going well still.  No idea how much weight I've lost since weighing one's self is not permitted on the Whole30.  At this point though, I feel so good and I no longer even miss dairy, so I might just stay on the basic Whole30 plan except for extremely convenient things like soy sauce.


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